Friday, 25 January 2008
We won't be having shingles on the roof
Saturday, 19 January 2008
Back Again - and look at the progress!
But you don't come to this blog to hear all about the quilting, do you? And those of you who do want to know about the quilting would be only to happy to see another blog, I am sure! So, I'll get back to the task in hand. You can see that I am making up for lost time as far as blogging goes - I spent 6 hours on the internet last night. I'm sitting in front of the television at the moment, transferring programmes from the Sky box to the hard drive, ready to create some DVDs - but I've just remembered that we don't have any blank DVDs here. Looking out to the back of the house, I can see the misty rain driving across - absolutely perfect quilting weather!
The photo on the right shows the men at work today, putting the insulation in. The green tarpaulin is there to keep them dry, and the photo was taken at around 10am this morning. You can also see that they have started bricking up as well, and the photo shows how the brickwork at the bottom matches the existing walls of the house. We have got light coloured bricks for the majority of the front, and the back of the house is being blocked up and then plastered (I assume) - to match what is already there. In my current position I am able to look at the plans of the house, because we put them up at the front of the flat (the front being the end that looks out to sea) to give us a little privacy over the Christmas period. It is nice to be able to check what it is going to look like, and which bit has just been started / completed / worked on.
I saw Joey at the house today, he was sniffing around the bags of concrete mix in the dining room. When I tried to get him to come up, we just hissed and growled at me. He doesn't like his routine disturbed, and I think the excitement and changes are all proving to be a bit too much for him. He's got quite a few strangers in the house too, which doesn't help; I suspect he's also a bit cross because his chair seems to have moved. If it has and he can no longer get into it, or it is too unsturdy, then he wouldn't be happy. How many have spotted Joey in the picture with yesterday's post?
The garage and extended dining room are also starting to take shape. As the back and the garage are being 'blocked' up, it doesn't take as long as bricking up, and also doesn't cost quite so much. It's good to see it coming on quickly. Just think, 6 or 7 weeks ago the former garage was still standing. Now concrete has been laid for the floors, the walls have been started and are growing quite quickly.
Friday, 18 January 2008
It's here - and welcome back!
The first picture is called 'Spot the cat' - except that hs name is Joey. Your task is to find where Joey is - he is a big black fluffy cat for those of you who have not yet met him, and for those of you who would rather forget him! Post your answers as to where he is in the comments section, and I'll let you know in a couple of days where he is. This photo also shows the living room as it is at the moment - filled with all the stuff from the dining room, things from the living room, from our bedroom, from Mat's room and from Nathan's room too.
The photo on the left shows the footings have been put down, and the blocks are in place ready for the building. You can also see the bay window of the dining room. That is a sight to be relished, as it has now changed forever.
The photo on the right shows that the building has started, and also shows the amount of disruption the garden has faced. It is rather a state, and will need a lot of TLC once we get back into the house. The photo on the right also shows that the b
ay window has gone. By night it is covered with a green tarpaulin.
The photo on the left was taken from the kitchen window, and you can see what I mean about the window. The panes of glass have been put somewhere safe - perhaps the plan is to use them again.
The builders have been very busy - you will have to wait until tomorrow for the next post and see how far they have got. They have been very good - over the new year period - and since they have worked at the weekend - Saturday and Sunday. I think that I shall have to call it a night for now - I'm tired, and there are other things to do as well. Norma has asked me about the quilting, and I do plan to set up a blog for my quilting too. Once I've done it, I shall put the address on this site - I'll include a link to it! It probably won't be updated as often as this blog because the quilting takes a little longer to complete - or even a lot longer in some cases. Also, the wind is really howling here, and I can feel the floor shaking underneath me. Until tomorrow.
Thursday, 17 January 2008
Broadband is on its way (we hope)!
Scaffolding has gone up at the back of the house now - Keith tells me that the builders are waiting for dry weather to do the bricking up (using bricks), and so during the wet weather are working on the blocking up - the inner walls. I've got piles and piles of books to mark, and I don't think that I'm going to get through many of them this evening - but I'll do my best.
Norma has asked me how the quilt-making is coming along - well, rather than put details of that on here, I may just start another blog with details and pictures of pieces I've worked on. That won't be for a week or two though - far too many other things to do.
Until tomorrow - of course - if you check tomorrow evening I might not have got round to a post, but if there is no post on Saturday, you'll know that there has been a problem with the broadband (no post on this blog that is, not that the postman hasn't visited your house - that would be quite something if I could arrange messages like that - no postman means Christine still hasn't got broadband!). We won't be holding our breath for it; it's not that we think it won't be here tomorrow, it's just that we have learned not to expect things to happen that we've been told WILL happen - how many times have we been told that, only to be let down?
Cheerio for now - look out for more over the weekend!
Tuesday, 15 January 2008
Can you live without the internet?
Keith and I are suffering a bit at the moment, as we still have no internet access at home (although I may find that this issue has been resolved when I get home this evening). It's been a long old struggle, and despite getting in touch with the Chief Executive of BT 10 days ago and having had a message left from someone in the Chairman's Office saying that she would be ordering the broadband for us last Monday, when I phoned to find out the status of things on Friday, I was not told that someone had already ordered the broadband for us. In addition, it seems like we are paying more for a package, as we can't have our previous package, and so we are paying for the inconvenience of it all - no-one has mentioned compensation for the loss of internet access (we have managed to get some for the lack of telephone, and having to wait in for 5 hours when no-one turned up - and didn't bother letting us know).
So, the question - can you live without the internet - and what about without a microwave? Well, those are questions that I am now in a position to answer. I don't feel that I can live without the internet - as this blog demonstrates! I'm also unable to do any internet shopping, check bank balances, see if I've been lucky on the premium bonds, produce more daily powerpoint presentations - on this day in history - for my tutor group (it's a little bit of fun that I've used to try and get them involved - and because I love trivia!), I'm limited with my lesson planning, as things that I would want to check, and pictures that I'd want to use - I often look for them on the internet.
I have been able to do a bit more sewing - some quilting, which is great, and I'm still trying desperately to catch up with all my marking, and I shall endeavour to make a real dent in it tonight. So that is a bonus of not having the laptop on my lap the whole time.
As for the microwave - well, how many people can be bothered to steam the Christmas pudding on the stove if they can just put it in the microwave? How many ready meals need to be cooked in a microwave and not in the oven? The microwave we can live without, and have done so quite happily, but it is nice to have one again - it makes life a little easier.
Anyway - that's enough ranting. As for the house - well, it's coming along nicely - I shall go and have a look at the progress in about half an hour, but as it's raining here and I don't have the camera - and the fact that it will be dark by the time I get there, I shan't be taking any photos. They may have to wait until the weekend.
I may try to add a post tomorrow - let's see how busy I am first; if I do update tomorrow, we shall be playing a little game - it's called 'Spot the Cat' - except his name is Joey! Do add your comments - when you click on the add comments link, you can type in your comment, but then make sure you also type in the password that is shown on box on the right hand side - type the exact characters that are shown in that box - don't put your own personal password in! The website just wants to check that you are a real person adding a comment, and so you need to copy the characters exactly. I look forward to seeing more comments!