So - progress on the house. The back is really coming along quickly - you can really see it in this picture on the right. The window frame that they are building around on the right as you look at the picture is my sewing room! I'm quite excited about it all - thinking how I'll decorate it, what furniture I want in there, and how much more sewing I'll be able to do! (I know that this will NOT be the case, but it is a nice thought, and we will be spending future holidays in this country, which will give Keith more time for golf, and me more time for quilting!

The photo on the left shows the work at the back, taken from the front of the house. The dark grey blocks in the middle of the picture show were the downstairs toilet will be. The picture was taken earlier in the week - on Wednesday to be precise, and the photo above was taken today, whilst writing this blog. The photo on the left shows the work has just started on building over the dining room windows - the bottom windows in the picture above are the dining room windows. They are progressing quite quickly - it's great being able to see them at it. Keith tells me that he went out on the sc
affolding yesterday to have a look.
The photo on the right shows the progress from the side, and you can see the wall for the dining room toilet, and the blocks ready for building the first floor. The doorway looking through to the dining room is going to be a patio area.
The photo on the left here is the view from the dining room into the extension. I like to spend a little time looking at this, I start thinking about the size of the dining room. It's funny how an empty room can seem smaller than a furnished room - and vice versa - although the vice versa is just common sense I suppose.
The front of the house is coming on too. The photo on the right shows how the brickwork is coming on up the side, and the photo below shows the same area, but looking from the window in the kitchen. This room is going to be the study, and each time I look at it, I wonder if it's going to be big enough. At least one of the walls will be filled with books - so I suppose we could call it the library, or the reading room! It will be a fine size for Keith and I to work in, which is all we need. Some of you may be asking why we need a study when we'll have a large dining room, a music room and I'll have a sewing room. WELL, having lugged bags of books up the stairs in this flat, I don't intend doing it again. It will be much better to come in the front door, put the bags and books in the study, and have somewhere that we can retreat to, to get urgent work done. It will also give me room to do my examining in peace and quiet.
That is it for the post at the moment. I've got to get on and quilt Caro's quilt - I'm hoping that there is a package for me at the house - I've had to order some more thread, as I'm not sure that the reel I'm using will last the whole quilt - I'm using the same thread in the bobbin as I am on the quilt top. Keith has taken a couple of photos of me quilting the thing, so once Caro has got her present, the rest of you will be able to see it! I've also finished quilting the other piece I was working on. I just need to bind it and add a label. The other quilts I have ready for quilting are all intended to be machine quilted - with the exception of two; however, the two which I want to hand quilt need to be basted, and I need a large clear space to do that. The large clear space I used for Caro's quilt is where I'm quilting at the moment, and so I won't be moving the table and paraphernalia to baste two other quilts. I could be binding the quilt I've just done, except that I don't have any fabric here to bind the quilt with. Oh dear - what a shame - that means that I will have to go shopping for some fabric! And, oh, next Saturday I have a workshop at Step-by-Step called Stitched Herbaceous Borders - creating a picture using threads. I've looked at my 'ingredients' list - I'm going to have to buy quite a bit of it there, as I can't get to to my fabric, and the threads are a bit precarious as well!
Oh - and before I forget - the last photo shows where Joey is in the photo! He's sitting in the wicker chair which is balanced on top of the piano. You can just see his ears here. If you click on the original photo, it should become larger, and you should be able to make him out. Just behind him you can see my patchwork and quilting boxes. They are stacked from the floor up - which shows why I'm having difficulty finding some stitching to do in the evenings. Even my embroidery threads are not particularly accessible, which is a problem for making labels for quilts.
That really is it for this post now - I really need to make the most of the natural light we have got here - including sunshine and blue skies! - and get on with some sewing. Don't forget to add your comments!
Hello Norma here enjoying watching the work hope you finish the quilt, and enjoying seeing the photographs. Hope this works this time!
thank you for the comment Norma. I'm waiting for more thread at the moment, and I've sure I will get it finished by the time we go up to Liverpool to see Caro!
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