Thursday, 3 July 2008

One Day More!

And prizes go to those who recognise the music reference in the title!

Well - this will be my last post until next week (yes, I know that I haven't posted anything since last week). Tomorrow - we move!!! By the time I get to the house tonight I should find settees in the living room (hopefully plugged in), a chaise longue in my sewing room, and flat packed furniture - plus a mattress or two somewhere on the ground floor!

I did get a little - can't quite think of the right word at the moment - but I phoned the builder yesterday morning about a few things - the electricians were a bit of a worry. He said he would get on to them and make sure that they were all there. I phoned the electricians at lunchtime and left a message on the answerphone; I said that I expected to see progress by the time I got to the house after work, otherwise I would be taking down their sign from the board at the front, because I wasn't prepared to advertise their services if I wasn't impressed with the amount of work done! The electricians were still there at the time I got to the house, and so they asked if I was impressed - this is as I was walking through the front door. I told them that I would reserve judgement until I had inspected the whole place. Once I'd seen all round - and I was delighted to see that the door is now on my sewing room - I did tell them that the inspection passed muster. They also said that they would be in at around 6am / 7am this morning. They were certainly there when I drove past at 7.40am.

We have lights in the right places, and holes for spotlights in the gym. They should have done the spotlights in the office by now as well, and hopefully put up the lights in the kitchen and music room. The carpets are arriving today (and vinyl) for the gym, the spare room, the bathroom the office - and possibly also the downstairs toilet and utility room.

So, it all looks to be going rather well doesn't it?

HAH! You knew that there was a catch somewhere, didn't you?! Have you noticed what I've not yet mentioned? Yes, we've had the same trouble this time as there was when we moved into the flat. The BT engineer sort of arrived on Tuesday, but the order said nothing about putting a new box in the house - despite us explaining the situation on numerous occasions to BT. So Keith had to go to the public phone box to phone them to get the problem rectified. Why a public phone box? Because there was no phone line at the house, and no phone line at the flat. They discovered that there was a fault on the line, but did nothing. So yesterday, the engineer came to fix the main box inside the house. Very good - there is now a dialling tone. YES - RESULT I hear you cry. But - no - hold your ponies Pam (TV reference - prize for who knows where that comes from). Yes, there is a dialling tone, but you can't phone out, and you can't phone in. Very helpful. You can't even call BT on 0800 800 150 to let them know that there is a problem. You have to do that in the public call box (because Keith's mobile does not have a very long battery life). Hopefully, BT will have managed to sort the problem by the time we get home tonight.

So, tomorrow is moving day. I'm really looking forward to it, and getting quite excited. We've spent some time up at the house this week, cleaning, moving boxes around, and making things. I can see us doing exactly the same thing tonight. Keith picks up the van tonight - it's got a lift thing on the back, which should make things a bit easier - and we'll start things tonight. I've been packing boxes morning and night for the past two days. Alot of it I had boxed up already - it is mainly things in the kitchen that I've done nothing with until now.

Anyway - time to get a few things sorted before lunch - I've got to set lessons for tomorrow as well yet!

Catch you all soon!


JudyB said...

Les Miserables
Victoria Wood (Celia Imrie's line I think)

I look forward to all the pictures when you get time!!
love Mum xx

Caroline said...

Noooo she got there first but I knew them both. I think that it was Victoria Wood though. Funny was only listening to Les Mis yesterday on the train. Sounding great and looking forward to seeing photos. Sorry to hear that your customer experience has not been 'Right First Time' as it should have been.