Wednesday 9 July 2008

We're in!

So here it is folks - the winner of last week's little competition was Judy Banks - once again, but Caroline also got the answers right - so she gets a mention too! Mum just pipped her to the post.

So, it's lunchtime at school, and I thought that I would update my blog, before spending time doing I don't know what before my last lesson of the day. I'm fairly shattered at the moment. Until the day we moved - and for a few days past it, I didn't sleep very well, and that combined with going to bed late didn't help. Although it is not a new house exactly, parts of the house are new, and as we are sleeping in a different room, there are different noises to get used to. Also, Saturday morning, Seffy was crying at our bedroom door, as we had shut the door and she couldn't get in to see us. Perhaps she thought that we needed waking up as it was light outside, but we really didn't appreciate it at 5am. See has come in most nights and slept on the bed. Joey has also come in, and also slept on the bed. In fact, the other morning, they were both sleeping on the bed at the same time! That's something else we have to get used to - a new bed. The boys have just about got their rooms sorted, and that is as far as the house goes. We have got piles of books in the study, and Keith has made the computer table. However, we don't have a finished phone socket in there, neither do any of the sockets work. I have tried to get my sewing room in some sort of order, which has not been easy, as there are boxes of things that need to go in other rooms (e.g. music room, dining room), but as those rooms are not finished, they can't go in there. I have moved my chaise longue into it's final position, and have started to sort out a few things - but it is a long arduous task to get through everything else, before getting to the fabric. I've also tried to clear out the spare room a bit, and do something with the gym. However - the gym keeps filling up with the boys' stuff, so I can't get to mine, nor do anything else with it.

We have tidied our bedroom a bit, - well, rearranged it a bit better, so that I don't keep bumping into the edge of the bed - not at all funny when the frame is solid wood; I've got a lovely bump and graze on my leg. Still, the important stuff is done; the TV, satellite, DVD and music system are set up in the living room! I've not yet sorted the television etc in the sewing room, but I will get there eventually.

I have a new intake evening this evening at school, so I will be late home. Once I've got home (and maybe sat down and had some tea), I shall set about the tidying and organising once again!

As I'm doing this at school, there are no pictures I'm sorry to say, but BT sent us a message, informing us that Broadband would be up and running by midnight Friday. So, maybe, just maybe, we will have full computer use once again. It's rather nice to have full satellite use again.

I suppose that I had better get on with some school work!
Until the next post - and look out for pictures next time!

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