Wednesday, 5 December 2007

The Pace Quickens

Well, it's been a day or two since I last wrote. More happens every day.

I got home on Monday to discover that the garage had no roof. I got home yesterday to this sight / site:

The garage has disappeared entirely, as has the side wall. This now makes it nearly impossible to park the car in the drive way (even if there weren't bits of wood everywhere). We are the house in the road that has cones, men at work signs and fencing up - it's all quite exciting!

Of course, I'm sure you are wondering what was been done today. I took the photo above at 7.30am this morning, just as I left for work. I got home this evening just before 7pm, when it was dark. So as it is, you will just have to wait until tomorrow to find out what was done today! I suppose I could give you a clue or two; it's groundbreaking, and new heights / depths have been reached - it's really starting to open up! You will have to wait and see!

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