I've got a fair bit to update you all with. So first of all - reaching new depths / heights that I wrote about last week - and here it is on the left.
Sorry the photo isn't very clear - it was taken at 7.30am, when it was raining, so the light wasn't good, and I was rushing to get to work.
There may be some people wondering what they are looking at here - and it's more a case of what's gone - the porch at the back and the steps! You can no longer get into the back garden from the kitchen, as there are no steps down, and it's a big drop!
What else has been going on? They have dug a hole at the front of the house, so that the gas meter can be moved, but the gas people have to do that. The garage has gone entirely, and the area has been dug up - the concrete has all gone. In this picture on the right you can just about make out our new home for the next 6 months. The good thing about the flat is that it is light and airy upstairs.
Yesterday a digger moved in to where there garage used to be, and I understand that there is also a dumper truck there too - well, that's what Keith called it.
I took this picture on Sunday evening, after we came back from our Christmas dinner at the golf club. Okay, so it's not really snow, but it looks a bit like it. This is the flume from the sea, where the wind has whipped it up into a froth, and then blown the froth on the land. It really was quite something to see it covering pavements, and flying over the top of roofs as well!
I showed the pupils in school, and they didn't believe it was snow - there's just no fun for some! What I have found that I could do with is a joke book - my tutor group is sharing jokes with me, and not really enjoying the ones I tell them. Any help with this would be much appreciated - perhaps you could add them in the comments section of the blog!
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