The wonders of technology. I've just spent I don't know how long trying to find the photos that I transfered to the computer earlier. Then I couldn't remember which pictures I'd already posted (none of them as it turns out, as I'd transferred all those pictures to my laptop), and so then lost the original start to this post.
Still - I'm up at the house, with a list of things to do - washing, drying, moving boxes, finding things, checking emails, collecting the Christmas tree and decorations, and of course, updating the blog. I'm hoping I might find the time to wrap presents, buy some presents, baste some quilts - there's always the weekend!

They've done quite a lot of work. Today I've discovered the pitfalls of being here. Every so often there is bang and the house shakes. I'm sure it's nothing to worry about, just them banging into the house with the digger. We've also discovered the pitfalls of having all this done. The flat has these daft round holed sockets which ordinary plugs don't fit into, and which are turned on and off by a switch on the wall - there are no ceiling lights in any of the bedrooms. So we have to use the other sockets to plug in lights, but we don't have that many standard lamps, and you then have to stumble through an unlit room to turn the light on. We should have our telephone transferred to the flat on 28th December - the landlord is paying the £130 (okay, so its probably only £124.98) for the initial connection charge - as there has not been a phone there yet. However, the broadband won't be transferred until 7 working days after that, so any time I want to use the internet, I now have to come up to the house. It's a bit odd trying to get used to the fact that I can't check my emails whenever I want, that I can't do any internet shopping from the laptop, and that the holiday has to be carefully planned so that I get everything done that I want to get done, when I'm in the right place.

I found out last night that we have underfloor heating on the top floor; the only problem is that we don't know how to turn it on. The controls for it are at the top of the stairs, behind the television, but there are no clear instructions, just some very dodgy looking diagrams that seem to be impossible to decipher.

It's been quite cold down here - the car thermometer told me it was -5 on the way to school on Monday - it was only that briefly. It was -3 most of the way.
In this photo you can see (sort of) that the wall has come down at the back. The cats are doing well - Seffy seems to be taking it all in her stride, whilst Joey seems to spend most time in the house. I suppose the weather is getting a bit too cold and windy for him, but he doesn't like the noise either. He wouldn't have liked being the house this morning when it got bashed!
Anyway - it's time for me to get on and do other things. The washing machine is bleeping at me, so it must be time. Feel free to add comments - I think the comments section is there for you to add your comments - thus, if you don't add comments, you won't be able to see any!
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Hoping the broadband is soon sorted for you both.
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